
Showing posts from May, 2020

Java Program to Find Roots of Quadratic Equation

import java.util.*; class testing {         public static void main(String args[])         {             double d,a,b,c,r1,r2;             Scanner sc=new Scanner(;             System.out.println("Enter a:");             a=sc.nextDouble();             System.out.println("Enter b:");             b=sc.nextDouble();             System.out.println("Enter c:");             c=sc.nextDouble();             d=(Math.pow(b,2))-4*a*c;             if(d>0)             {                 r1=(-b+Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);                 r2=(-b-Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);                 System.out.println("1st root="+r1);                 System.out.println("2nd root="+r2);             }             else if(d==0)             {                 r1=-b/(2*a);                 System.out.println("1st root="+r1);             }             else             {                 System.out.println("Imaginary Roots");

Write a Program To Input the Marks and Display the Grades Accordingly using if-else in Java

import java.util.*; class Marks {     public static void main(String args[])     {         int m;         Scanner sc=new Scanner(;         System.out.println("Enter the Marks:");         m=sc.nextInt();         if(m>=80)         {             System.out.println("Distinction");         }         else if(m>=60 && m<80)         {             System.out.println("First Division");         }         else if(m>=45 && m<60)         {             System.out.println("Second Division");         }         else if(m>=40 && m<45)         {             System.out.println("Pass");         }         else         {             System.out.println("Promotion Not Granted");         }     } }         OUTPUT: Enter the Marks: 90 Distinction YouTube Videos for Explanation

WAP to input the total cost and to compute and display the Amount to be paid after the discount on the cost of purchased items, based on the following criteria:

WAP to input the total cost and to compute and display the Amount to be paid after the  discount on the cost of purchased items, based on the following criteria:         Cost                                            Discount (in percentage) Less than or equal to Rs. 10000                               5% More than Rs. 10000 and less than or equal to Rs. 20000       10% More than Rs. 20000 and less than or equal to Rs. 35000       15% More than Rs. 35000                                           20%*//*WAP to input the total cost and to compute and display the Amount to be paid after the  discount on the cost of purchased items, based on the following criteria:         Cost                                            Discount (in percentage) Less than or equal to Rs. 10000                               5% More than Rs. 10000 and less than or equal to Rs. 20000       10% More than Rs. 20000 and less than or equal to Rs. 35000       15% More than Rs. 35000